Let's Talk about Grief - A Discussion by Madeleine Grant
Grief has been looking over my shoulder for a long time now.
At age 19 I suffered the loss of two people whom I loved dearly within seven months of each other. Lines from a diary I kept at the time describe how ‘I am full of emotions that I do not understand’; ‘my moods are very variable, one worse than the next’; ‘I sometimes wish I could die’; ‘I feel so lonely’; ‘I seem to be able to handle things for a while but after a certain amount of time I feel like exploding’. I felt as though I was being selfish having these strong emotions months after the bereavements. Writing gave me an outlet to express myself (as in the poem above) without having to burden others. I did not know it then but all those feelings were normal. Grief is a very individual experience and does not travel on any one particular course. There is no right or wrong way to grieve.
When the Fog Shifts - Lisa Walsh
The reason I have decided to write this now and not last year or next year, is because I feel strong emotionally and mentally now – and I credit this to being sober.
Post natal depression followed along with trying 4 to 5 different types of antidepressants to see which “worked” best, I decided in the fog of being a new-antidepressant-taking-mom with racing hormones, that it might be an even better idea if I drink alcohol to self-medicate.
The Story of the First Man in Space - Conko
This is a story about the first man in space. Inspired by the intro to Odesza’s album ‘A Moment Apart’ which they super smoothly swiped some dialogue from the movie ‘Another Earth’. This lully little story is quite open to interpretation and I wouldn’t like to impose my own ideologies onto anybody but at the very least I hope you enjoy the story/unbelievable kick the absolute codswallop out of a bag of chips remix 2006 music.
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